Recently I received this letter from myself. Written during debriefing in India. Six months ago.
Well, I've just finished serving in Bangladesh for 6 weeks. Here I am at debriefing about to leave. I don't want to forget all that God has taught me and led me towards during this time.
He's reminded me a lot about how much more there is to life than worrying about pleasing and being liked by everyone. His gospel needs to be preached and he has called me as his sower. See the eternal perspective, Emily, and all the lost people in a dark world in South Asia. They are worshiping stone and wood. They are doing the "right" things over and over again to earn heaven, to have a purpose. They don't understand that salvation is a free gift and that true joy is available to them! Despite the poverty, hunger, dirt, persecution and hopelessness that fills this place, they could have true joy. But how will they know this if no one will tell them? If no one will demonstrate Christ's love to them? How will they know if I don't forget about myself, my needs and my desires long enough to be bold and bring Him glory by sharing the good news?
He's reminded me of the incredible importance of His Word. Memorize it, meditate on it! It will come to mind in those times of battle or ministering to others. The importance of prayer: He answers it! Am I demonstrating the faith that he will answer by daily seeking His face on behalf of these people? It made such a difference to have so many people interceding for me during this time. Have the same impact.
I pray that I never forget how blessed I am to have FOOD, a home, a family who loves me and supports my relationship with Jesus, freedom to worship and share Christ. Emily, don't forget about L, T, S, J and others who are so full of joy despite so much hardship.
There is so much more. But finally, don't forget the slow pace of life in South Asia. God has used it to teach me not to pack my schedule so full. It's ok to be busy, but remember that it was those times of quiet before the Lord that he taught me so much. Those times that required patience and contentment with what seemed unproductive and awkward were the times that he brought the most opportunity.
Don't forget the SA101ers all over the US and the world who are living out the gospel. Be encouraged and go out and live what God is calling me to do: no matter the cost, no matter what others do, think or say. Remember that God and I are a team. He is enough for me. As great as life at home may be, as great as my friends and family might be, as great as this or that seems, there's a whole world out there, and God is in it.
Praise Him. In Christ Alone.