Hey God,
You are the true love, the one that I adore. God, I cheat on you so often. I walk down that wedding aisle with you looking on with love and joy, and I turn aside and look at other lovers. I elevate the opinions and affirmation of my peers to the position only you should hold in my life. I get more excited about their approval of me than the satisfaction that you are offering to me in yourself. I am SO SORRY. Jesus, you have done so much for me. You have given me grace in every area of life, even though I am dreadfully sinful. I deserve nothing, but you have heaped blessings on me anyway. You’ve called me to be your lover, your bride, your dear child. I so desire to live in that daily, to experience that beautiful romance that you have prepared for me.
But my sin gets in the way. I get so focused on it, and my failure to please you daily that I lose sight of the fact that you have redeemed me. You have already paid the price for my sin, and although you call me to be sanctified, and to strive for perfection, you don’t judge me or punish me for the sins I commit. I am already forgiven. You see me as righteous!!
Please give me focus on you! Despite being overwhelmed with things to remember, people to pour into, assignments to complete, subjects to study, friends with expectations, I pray that I would be overwhelmed with your love and acceptance. Overwhelmed with the fact that despite all my gross sin, you love me. That nothing I do will ever make you love me less. PRAISE YOU.
Please receive the glory from my life today. Remind me that I am not the only one dealing with sin, and that you will never give me more than I can handle. Get my focus off myself, and show me how to encourage my brothers and sisters, and bring glory to your name.