Thursday, June 30, 2011

To the Ends of the Earth

Well this summer is turning out to be a new kind of experience for me. Besides support raising full-time, which is an experience in itself, I am fulfilling a different role than I have in the past. This summer I am a sender. What do I mean by a sender? I am in America supporting the laborers God is sending out all over the world to serve him. This does not mean I am not a laborer. I am simply a different kind of laborer than I have been in the past. The last three summers I have been sent to Bluffton, Bangladesh and India. This summer I am at home. I am preparing to be sent out to Clemson in the fall. But for now I am here. Here there is just a much need, but a different kind. And I have a different role.

In Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life, Donald S. Whitney quotes Martin Luther about prayer: "As it is the business of tailors to make clothes and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray." Later on, Whitney shares, "God expects us to use the walkie-talkie of prayer because that is the means He has ordained not only for Godliness, but also for spiritual warfare between His Kingdom and the kingdom of His Enemy. To abandon prayer is to fight the battle with our own resources at best, and to lose interest in the battle at worst."

This summer, I am a prayer laborer. For the nations of India, Uganda, China... and for my friends and family that He has sent out all over the world. And as I serve Him faithfully in a different way than I may have chosen for myself, I commit to be faithful to pray for the battle he is waging against the enemy in the hearts of so many lost people this summer.

Join me?