So here are few of my favorite things from September. And let's just be honest, this is not all-inclusive. Nor ranked according to favoritist.
1) Clemson Football. Can you say, undefeated?! I'm pretty sure the last time Clemson football dominated four games in a row, Martin Luther was still kicking!
DEATH VALLEY. Where Auburn died.
Above is a picture of a time when we visited Brock, who is in the band. Brock plays the tuba. Let's be real. He's pretty cool. And he's not in the band anymore. But he's still pretty cool. Take a look at those shades of his. It doesn't get much cooler than that.
2) My newest favorite hobby is hula hooping. Have you ever tried? Until last month, I couldn't do it. I've been practicing. And, wahlahhh.
You may have noticed the excellent pair of skinny jeans I am wearing. Yes, I just have to brag on Plato's Closet for one minute. Seven dollas plus tax. That means they only cost me one hour of work at the YMCA. Which is where I am in the above pictures. Those cutie patooties (the children) inspired me to learn to hula hoop! Oh yeah, and Heather Mack.
In fact, Heather Mack is my hula hooping inspiration. Here she is hula hooping while she reads God's Word. That's what I call: LEGIT. Someday I will be that cool. For now, I can swing that thing around my waist for at least 16 successful seconds before it falls to the ground.
You know what they say... 30 minutes of hooping a day keeps the flabby tummy away!
No, "they" don't actually say that. But it is a fact. Try it.
3) Flower tea.
Why yes, I would like a flower to bloom in my tea, thank you for asking.
4) Talented artist friends who pray...
5) Skyping with this dude...
Basically the highlight of my day.
6) Babies.

Babies aren't exactly September-related. But I really really like babies. Especially this one. Please don't be alarmed. This is quite normal for me.
I think that might be all for now. Unless you can think of some more of my favorite things. I don't have anymore pictures to share.
Fall Getaway was pretty fabulous. But those pictures are to come.