Yesterday I dropped our official Febreeze in the open toilet. (One good reason to close the toilet seat regularly). It seems that as the years progress so does my clumsiness. And this week especially sure has been a Week O' Clumsiness.

For one, I ran my cheek into the corner of my car door. Also my head met the wire rack at Dollar Tree. My boots got hooked on a seat lever several times when I tried to get out of the car. I stuck my finger in a port-a-john lock hole and got it smooshed. Twice I dribbled water in my lap because I missed my mouth with a cup. Today I leaned forward to peer at something closely and my head ran into the glass window.
So far (this year) my clumsiness has not caused me to stab, sprain, fall, bruise, or cut myself. There was that time in high school when I jumped out of a second story bed and sprained my ankle the night before our first soccer game of the season. Also, that time in middle school when I brush burned the entire left side of my face with the side of a pool. My uncoordinated moments mostly hurt my pride.
And I'm only just getting started...
I'm glad I got to witness most of these events first hand, haha. They were quite endearing ;)