"My name is Emily Kurtz and it's been 22 days since my last post..."
I'm so sorry! I know that all of you, my admiring fans, have been gasping for air with the absence of Emphoto in your life. Fear not! We are back to breathing.
The first (#1) reason I have been absent as of late is because I have recently relocated. Moving, I think they call it. My new location? Clemson, SC. One of my favorite towns in the southeast. We don't have a cool motto lingo phrase for the city. At least not that I know of. But perhaps we could make one up?
Clemson, SC: Where the Tigers play. Maybe that's too cliche. Clemson, SC: Where the Blue Ridge yawns it's greatness. You may have noticed that I am copying the Clemson alma mater. Not very original. Clemson: Famously Orange, Surprisingly Green. Hmmm, we'll keep working on that. One-liners are not my greatest skill. Please feel free to throw out ideas below.
The second (#2) reason I have been absent is because I have recently started a new job! Yep, I get to pursue college students! I get to hang out with internationals! I get to work with incredible men and women of God! I get to share the good news that has changed my life with others! For my job! Not bad if I do say so myself.
What I didn't mention to you is that doing these things that I love requires looooooong hours. So, therefore, no blogging time. I counted up hours logged last week: SIXTY-SEVEN. Wow. Now, a disclaimer is this. Personal ministry and work ministry can blur together in some areas. But still, that's a lot of hours. That's 33 hours less than 100. Now a 100 hour week, that would be a really long one. I'm not gonna do that.
The third (#3) reason for my absence is my second job. Don't worry, the 67 hours included this job. I know you were worried. After-school care at a Walhalla elementary school is a sweet second job. I get to take care of a bunch of cute little buggers every afternoon after school when they're all full of energy from a long day at school! I would post a bunch of pictures of these cute little buggers, (since this is a photo blog you know), but for security shemurity reasons I'm not supposed to. And I sure do respect that rule. But it means you don't get to see how cute they are! I promise they are cute. You're just gonna have to take my word for it.
There are so many more things I could say about this new life I lead. Good things, Great things and GRAND things! But, I won't keep you reading much longer. Instead, I will give you some photographic evidence of this new life! That way you can be sure that I haven't just been hiding out at my parents house in Charleston all this time and actually just avoiding you and hoping you wouldn't figure out that it was all a big fat lie. What if that was really true? Then I wouldn't be so cool after all. And what a disappointment that would be!
Lucky for you, I am still a little bit cool. And here's the pictures to prove it. For your viewing pleasure...
I painted that for my new room!
The coolest leadership team EVER.

My new friend Jin!
Asia meets Atlanta.