I've already told you about William Burk, haven't I? Well, a few of my girly friends decided to nickname him Sweet William. They did this for three reasons.

1) His name is William
2) He is sweet.
2) There is a cool flower named Sweet William.
Bet ya didn't know that. Now you do. It's scientific name is Dianthus barbatus. Apparently the Sweet William symbolizes gallantry. Here's a picture.

Nice, isn't it? I don't know about you, but when I look at that flower the first word I think of is "gallant." What a "gallant" flower that is! It is looking so great and "gallant." Is that what you think? That's what I figured.
Anyway, moving on to the real, live Sweet William in my life. He made a little visit this weekend. Let me just say, it was really wonderful. And he truly is gallant. Was that too cheesy? I'm sorry if it was. Moving on again.
Saturday I Molly Maided for the last time. And Whitney and I braved the "Stairs of Death." I don't know about you but I wouldn't particularly want to get caught on these stairs on a rough stormy night.
Thankfully we made it up and down the stairs multiple times with no catastrophies. Wouldn't want to mess up something important like our palmaris longus.
Right, Emily? Right, Aliece? An injured palmaris longus would be tragic I think. Could cause some difficulties with important things like drinking coffee and writing blog posts.
After work, I jumped in my car to head on back to my house to see Sweet William. And what do you think Jimmy decided to do to me? He decided to sit there and refuse to crank. Here's a picture of Jimmy during a moderately epic moment of my life in years past. Unfortunately, this current moment with Jimmy was not even close to moderately epic. Not even a little bit epic.
I wasn't sure in this particular un-epic moment if I should be angry at Jimmy's rebellion and respond with correction and punishment, discouraging all future bad behavior? Or if I should use positive reinforcement to develop Jimmy's sense of self and encourage him to behave properly? I can't say I thoroughly thought through all psychological possibilities at the time. Actually, I was just really hot and bothered by the inconvenience he caused me. So, to make a long story short, Jimmy is still stranded in the Molly Maid hood in Mt. Pleasant. Sucks for him.
Good thing for me, Papa Kurtz is great at search and rescue when it comes to his first born daughter. He showed up with a mallet intending to give Jimmy the business. Then he thought better of demolition and chauffeured me home instead. I'm glad. Cause I still like Jimmy.
One more weekend story for you. And then I'm going to have to do some serious post-weekend snoozing.
Saturday night, the spark for adventure within us was accompanied by a cloudy, rainy night. This called for a rendesvouz to Harris Teeter, of course. What we soon discovered was that the big HT has a thing for cheese. In fact, the big HT has a whole ISLAND of cheese! "Cheeses of The World", it is called. And it is just that. Is there a better way to spend a Saturday night than exploring a cheese island in the big HT? I think not.
So, naturally, we found the biggest, baddest, baller block of cheese on the island straightaway. Then we proceeded to lift it, smell it, photograph it, lick it...
Here she is. Well. Here she is. With him.
This picture may have taken me like 20 minutes to take because I was too busy laughing about something to hold the camera still. Who knows what was so funny. That's why Sweet William is mid-smile. Sorry Sweet William, I'm not a very good picture-taking-while-laughing photographer (ptwlp).
So, it's a hefty hunk of cheese. I think you would agree. But not anything worth a pretty penny, right? Wrong. Take a guess how much this cheese hunk cost. No, don't scroll down yet. Take a guess. Now double the number you just thought of. Nope, you are still too low.
Now take a gander at this price tag. Can you believe your eyes? You may have to rub them and look again. It's still true!
Six hundred eighteen dollars and twenty five cents. All I've got to say is that better be some tasty cheese. Way to set the bar high, Harris Teeter.
P.S. When I said we licked the cheese, I was just kidding. That would be gross.
And that is all I've got for now.
I love your blog posts. They are so funny and I love that your personality shines through!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you didn't lick the cheese. :)
ReplyDeleteand your palmaris longus could be devastated, and it could totes effect your ability to drink coffee!
and i think you're a great ptwlp!
and a $600 cheese! my mind is blown!
when we get someone to pay for the 12,000 dollars for us to stay at eugenia. we're also gonna get them to buy us some fancy-schmancy-knock-your-pants-off cheese!
You may not have licked the cheese...