Sunday, July 10, 2011

Let's Just Be Honest...

It can be a tad difficult to run a successful photoblog when your Nikon D40 18-55mm lens is broken. I think the technical term for the problem is "loose lens." Well now, for months I have been not-photo-taking and therefore having some small difficulty with photo-blogging. I've worried about how I would find the money to pay for a camera-fixer or even worse, a replacement camera! I finally resolved to suppress my photography habits for a good while until the necessary arrangements could be made. Just this evening, I took another sad and longing look at my camera.

At that moment, what had never dawned on me before suddenly dawned on me! What I had failed to notice this whole time was that the lens was not actually broken! Interesting indeed. In fact, the lens was simply loose. Clearly, the Radio Shack camera guy also failed to notice this small detail. I think the technical term for the real problem was "loosely-screwed." After digging in an old forgotten drawer for a teeny tiny screwdriver, I screwdrove those small screws and held my breath a little, and wahlah! my long lost camera is as good as new!

Wow. Three months of no photo taking for a few loose screws. Ohhh, Emily. Now, step #2 is to sell this camera and buy my beloved dream-of-a-camera, the Canon Rebel (amateur, I know, but bear with me, I've been using a Nikon D40 for the last three years). Anyone interested in buying a newly-screwed Nikon D40?

Here's the dream-come-true screwdriver that did the job!

And here's a picture of me in a cow costume. Just for kicks and giggles. We got five free meals outta this joint. The I'll-do-almost-anything-for-free-food college mindset doesn't die too easily with post-grad life.

In other news, tonight I picked several hundred straight pins up off my carpeted bedroom floor. I only got stabbed once. Note-to-self: From now on, keep straight pins in a closed container in a far away place. Got it.

Good night!

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